

Ironman Record Holder Breaks His Neck And Becomes The Man with the Halo

Tim Don talks about recovering from his accident and getting back into his sport routine.

The John McAvoy Story - Lethal Armed Robber Transforms to Inspirationial Nike Athlete

John McAvoy was destined to lead a life of crime. Born in into a family steeped in armed robbery and drug trafficking, but the McAvoy name was also destinated for very different greatness... carries weight in the British criminal underworld. Having committed a string of armed robberies, McAvoy spent more than a decade in prison, but with a helping hand from this very show, sport enabled John to leave that life behind and he is now an Ironman athlete.

Corinne, a fit young women with her whole life ahead of her, until she was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect | Heart Surgery to Ironman Triathlon

Corinne Ellison (now Pryer), was a fit young woman with her whole life ahead of her until she was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect. A diagnosis that would not only dramatically change her own life but would touch the hearts of thousands around the world.

Meet Christopher Wilno: 4x Ironman (EJ)

A truly inspirational story of how Christopher Wilno found light in the darkest times with the thanks to Ironman. Chris' story is a fantastic reminder to keep going when times get tough.

Panic In The Water (AV)

Nick Merry talks about his experience with triathlon.

Beginners-Guide-To-Triathlon (AV)

Here's a guide that introduces triathlon and gives many insights.

Triathlon - For The Rich And The Fit? (AV)

Here we have a discussion about triathlon and who is it for.

Improving Triathlon Transition (HK)

Tips for speeding up the transition process in Triathlon.

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