

The Lure of the Low-Fat Trap (HK)

The low-fat foods which pretend to be healthy diet mostly alternated fat with chemicals and artificial sweeteners.

Is Endurance Sport Damaging Our Hearts? (HK)

Challenging sports don't cause heart damage but it is important to tune with your body and listen to your heart after training.

Insufficient Energy Intake During Exercise Can Lead To Illness (AV)

The leading performance nutritionist - James Collins, talks about the importance of energy intake during exercise and reveals an experiment he has done with military soldiers.

How to eat before a run (HK)

Energy foods for running - how to eat them in the right way

Another Reason For Performers To Hit Dietary Fruit And Veg Targets (HK)

The daily consumption of fruits and vegetables increased dilation of the blood vessels, which is potentially improving the function of the body's vascular system.

All It Takes Is 10 Mindful Minutes

Andy Puddicombe from headspace tells us, with some clever tricks, how it takes just 10 minutes to mediate each day.

Never Too Old To Get Active (AV)

A motivational story to explain why one should always stay active.

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